Originally posted by sivo
My problem is the values that christianity push are not necessarily any better morally - if we all had to observe christian ethics there would be no homosexuality, sex before marriage, and a whole slew of other things that are only bad because 'God said so' (or were quite possibly added in by the Church at some point) - this can lead many people to the wrong conclusions about things, example being 'that homosexuals are bad people'
Obviously one has to distinguish between "original" Christian Values and the teachings of the Catholic Church. I think Jesus, the way he is portraied in the New Testament, was an exceptional human-being (or more than that, i dont know) and his thoughts and teachings on "how to be good" are still valid and always will be.
The Catholic as well as the Orthodox churches merit is to have spread these values all over the world and to have preserved them through the centuries. Unfortunately they came up with such things as the crusades and more recently the "impeccability" of the pope (had to look that one up, not sure if I got it right). I wonder if John Paul II has any idea how many children died of AIDS because of his ban on contraception, and if he sleeps well.
Originally posted by sivo
Although it would be nice if everyone was kind and considerate to one another, it is unrealistic - it would never happen even if religion was universal. Many people are just naturally self-orientated.
Yes, but that shouldnt keep the rest of us from trying to do the right things, should it? Many early Christians have gone to quite some lengths to make that point.
Originally posted by sivo
I think religion is only a personal weakness if people believe they have no reason to live without it, or that is alright to kill/rape/torture if they won't be eternally punished, or if they will only do kind things because of the lure of an eternal reward. ...
Hm... I guess I have to agree. Actually I tend to believe early religions and cults might have been a way for priests/chieftains to gain some extra authority and power over their people ("kiss my ass or got to hell" :-)
So what if Jesus, Mohammed & the other guys did the same thing? Did they make up all the stuff about God and the afterlive , so their personal value-systems and philosophies would have some chance to gain followers and momentum?
I think I'll make that my official theory concerning the origin of religion from now on. Either that or aliens.