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Old 03-15-2004, 06:49 AM   #20 (permalink)
Too Awesome for Aardvarks
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Location: Angloland
Originally posted by JBX
Spain just fucked it up for everyone. Changing what would have been a conservative incumbent victory to a socialist victory by planting bombs before an election. It is a major victory for the terrorist. Overturning elections by the bomb. That wont lead to more attacks :: sarcasm :: The chicken hearted are going to have to come to grips with the fact that burying your head in the sand only increases the chance of your suffocation. The pioneering sprit of the early Spaniards must be turning over in their graves.
thats an extremly biased and rather stupid view on something that really is a complete disaster.
the spanish reacted in a way that any country would, a big disaster happened, you just arn't going to vote for the government that let it happen, plain and simple. If a terrorist action happened just before the next US election, what are the odds that you'd vote for bush, considering he'd have let it happen twice?
yes, it could be classed as a victory for terrorism, but what your forgetting now is that the spanish populance around the world will be baying for blood, and the new government isn't going to ignore that.
to be honest, thats a pretty american way of looking on things, that the rest of the world is vying away from your new holy war so of course they must be cowards. spain has been suffering alot at the hands of ETA recently, they know a lot more about terrorist actions that most people in the states do, so don't call them chicken without first looking at their perspective.
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