Thagrastay, thank you for your explanation. Please note I said I feel judged, not that you are judging. I did mean this discussion to go beyond the perameters of the Bible -- that was the entire purpose when I started this thread. IMHO this is a big world with many ideas and opinions and truths. What is important is to seek out one's own truth and live by it (as long as it harms no one else.) When I'm told that the only way to believe is the Biblical way, I feel judged.
I happen to believe that all world religions (and some non world religions) have elements that are similar and are "world truths." One of those elements is love. Another, when personally examining the cruxifiction, is hope. IMHO Jesus came in the form of a Jew, thus lived a Jewish life style and suffered a death "common" for those days; however, his message is meant for all and should be much more generalized; but that is only my opinion. I truly honor every one's right to their own opinions -- as long as they don't say their's is the only way.
If you can go deeply into lovemaking, the ego disappears. That is the beauty of lovemaking, that it is another source of a glimpse of god
It's not about being perfect; it's about developing some skill at managing imperfection.