As far as who drew "First Mud" ,it was the Democrats, including Kerry. They all started negative, anti-Bush ads during the Primaries. Bush started with positive ads, but got caught on the 9-11 issue and his numbers fell faster than before. So, he wisely went negative and my guess is that his numbers will level off.
The 900 billion is a bogus number. It refers to Kerry's healthcare plan which is scheduled to cost 900 billion over a ten year period. His funding mechanism is, frankly, a bit fuzzy, but is relies on repealing future tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans as well as cutting government waste. It is a much more in depth plan, but I don't have all the figures. The Bush campaign decided to just assume that he would add 900 billion and claim it to be his intention. Very spurious arguement, but I guess they are feeling the heat.
0ne thing most people are missing about what Kerry is saying about taxes, is that the bulk of what he wants to repeal has not yet gone into effect. (Each year the Bush tax cuts change and in some cases get larger and in others smaller, unless congress makes them permanent) The result is not that your taxes will go higher, it is that you will not necessarily get the tax cut that Bush is pushing for.
You know, you don't have to like Kerry, you don't have to approve of what he has done or stands for, but don't just take a commercial at face value and make your judgements without research. The same can be said for the things the Kerry campaign and DNC will say about Bush. We can agree to disagree about economics, social issues, foreign policy etc. but we should all try to use actual fact to make our decision.
(If my facts are wrong, let me know.)
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-Douglas Adams