Originally posted by sexymama
Truth be known, I feel no judgement from Secretmethod. He simply shared his point of view for us to contemplate. I did, and do, however, feel a great deal of "judgement" from you, tecoyah. And if your goal is truly just to share, then you may want to consider how you are sharing. You said that the only way to heaven is through the son of the king. That we must accept the son to see the king, and that all other beliefs are wrong. Who is really being closed minded here?
The point that I believe I'm trying to make ( I won't speak for others) is that Jesus is one way to heaven. He came to earth, not only to "die for our sins" but to teach. He taught us to LOVE one another the way we love ourselves. That is not all that different from Eastern philosophy, imho. All great leaders teach us to love and to act on love: Mohammad, Buddah, St. Francis, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Dalai Lama for example.
I truly believe that Jesus did not come down to earth to judge us -- but to love us. He was willing to be crucified to show us hope. What we know of Jesus's actual words is very limited. Scholars did not even begin to write them down until well over 100 years later. And they were not written in English (as you know) therefore there have been several interpretations of those words over the years. However, the basic message has remained the same. LOVE, as Jesus loved!
I am somewhat confused....are you sure this is directed at me, and if so, I am sorry for the offense. I don't think I have ever in my life told someone that "the only way to heaven is thru the son of the king". In fact I hold no belief in "heaven" as most people accept it, Nor in the king for that matter.
I have gone thru my posts and quite honestly, I can't find where this came from.
Also, I had no intention of sounding judgemental, merely pleading for open minded discussion, but again my apologies for the affront.
Think I will timidly bow out of this thread, and wish you all a peaceful search, thanx.