tongue-in-cheek answer...
the toilet
serious answer...
radio frequency catheter ablation
The former because it's something we use everyday & wouldn't want to live without. The latter because it probably saved my life, or saved me from a significantly-shortened life-span, or whatever.
Originally posted by Infernal
The Greatest human invention of all time is TV!!
No way! The one-eyed idol. TV can be such a waste of time. Jebus, we're becoming a nation of couch potatoes. It's such a tool for propaganda, it's something which undermines our culture. The Jerry Springer Show. Now when did the retarded trailer trash antics or a few morons become worthy of national syndication? C'mon, how many people really watch the History channel and Discovery and TLC, etc. Not. Enough. Have the morals and collective conscience of our nation improved with TV? Where's Mike Myers...SHA! Not! But between the sixth-grade-level advertising, the liberal bias in the news, there's just so much wrong with it. Ugh! Ultimately, I reckon it makes a big difference as to how we use it. Hmmmm.
I'm just disagreeing, Infernal, not trying to start a flame war as to when movable type was invented.