Of course you shouldnt be able to surround your house with barbed wire, it is a danger for children and animals.
The guy who killed himself is an unfortunate story, but the law does not allow you to take pot shots at vandals, even with pellet guns. The vandals of course should have faced charges, but it is right that the man was charged for shooting at the kids with his pellet gun.
The kid who ran around waving a toy gun obviously made someone think he had a real gun, that was the report that the police got and they had to act on it - the kid was released I dont see a problem. Toy guns should not be legal anyway, why would you want to encourage a child to play shooting people? It was a very irresponsible gift to buy an 11 year old child and the parents need to look very hard at themselves rather than looking at who else they can blame - if the police receive a report of a kid running round with a gun they have no choice but to take it seriously.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas