Omniscience and Omnipotence
In many monotheistic religions today, Gods are portrayed as Omniscient, Omnipotent beings, seeing all, creating all, (and presumably) contain the power to destroy all. These two attributes seem to go hand in hand, but can one believe in a single god that is mearly Omniscient? Or Omnipotent? Or would this weakness prove to be a downfall?
In christianity (pardon singling you out, you're the religion i know best) I have been unable to pinpoint any instance where God is either just Omniscient or just Omnipotent, other than the limits I tend to see in his actions- like they are limited to a human's imagination.
In the Koran, (from what i understand) Allah IS everything, and has basically caused whatever to be, to be. That everything fits into some plan of the world that he has made using is Omniscience.
Now, can one believe in a monotheistic God that merely watches, with no power of his own? A sort of voyeur, with no method of communication or presence. Can one really believe in a God that has no history, no influence, and no presence? Just believe that since, it's possible for a God such as this to exist, It Must? Wht type of person would found their religion upon such a creature/being/etheral character?
Now take the other hand. Can we believe in a God that we seem to think has moved mountains, shaped streams, and created volcanos because they felt like digging? A sort of imbecile Omnipotent individual, with a poor judgement of right and wrong, and good and bad? Blundering about, sometimes a monster, sometimes a saint. Could anyone put faith in such an force? Keep in mind, this is not an "elemental" force, but a Single, all powerful, ruler of the cosmos. A being that could suffocate a star if it twinkled wrong. A being that has no knowledge of past and future. Living the present, and fogetting as soon as it is past. Also note that as in all current religions today, there is no scientific foundation, or any empiracal (sp?) evidence supporting these gods in any way whatsoever. We are merely told they exist, as I am telling you now.
Do either of these Gods have the support they need to maintain a monothestic religion? Or are they both missing that essential bit of each other that makes a polytheistic religion necessary?
This is just something that has been brewing in my head for a little bit, and i haven't really worked it out yet. Any insight you can apply to this would be greatly appreciated.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim