I smoke. And I agree with the comments about infringing on others clean air by smoking in public places. It is a nasty, unhealthful habit and I'll quit one day if I want to. Maybe.
The thing that really frosts my nads is the government butting into our lives and telling us what to do. Free will should prevail.
If businesses want to allow smoking or make their establishment strictly non smoking, then that should be the business owners decision. That decision will be one factor in determining their success. People can decide to patronize that business or not.
Point being, the government should stay out and let people make their own decisions. If they feel the need to dictate smoking policies, then let them dictate it in areas that they are responsible for, ie. on public transportation.
Just don't tell me how to run my business!
I blow my nose at you. Now go away before I taunt you a second time.
Last edited by blkdmnd; 05-02-2003 at 08:17 AM..