Pre-bed time meal....and bulking..
I'm trying to bulk up, and starting a beginner's cycle of full body workout cycles. So I basically train every muscle group every other day, resting on weekends.
I'm going to stick with this program for a month or two, and perhaps move onto splits after that.
I've been trying to eat as much protein and carbs as possible.
I've also been reading about pre-bedtime meals, to prevent muscle loss while I sleep. I've read conflicting accounts between using milk/protein shakes just before bed, and using cottage cheese+fat(peanut butter).
Right now, I'm using 2% milk with a scoop of whey protein, but its supposed to have neglible results, given that milk has a high Glycemic index, and might cause insulin spikes. I have also read that the caesin in the milk curdles, and causes the whey protein to be absorbed slower.
The cottage cheese alternative sounds much simpler, since it simply digests slowly, and releases the protein slowly.
Last alternative is to invest in one of those protein powders formulated for night-time use, but i'd rather not go down that expensive path.
Oh, and what do you guys think about mass gainers?