the gangs need to be disarmed, and so do all people - what we need is to make gun ownership a serious crime, and force the ownership of gusn way underground so that only the worst and most hard core criminals will have them.
We cannot univent the gun, the world would be much better if we could, but the people do not YET have full enough control of their world. In a communist world, I would believe that guns will not exist, nor swords I would imagine.
Of course, in the present world, we cannot stop the production of guns, and there is always the possibility of the bad guys getting them, we have to aim to make society as safe as we can, if we cannot make it perfectly safe.
The difference is I want a society with as few weapons as we can achieve, and you think, we all need to be armed, and hope that Mutually Assured Destruction creates more peace... it seems to me at least to be down to which of these ideals you think is the safest.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas