Here is what I've used since last Janurary of 03:
I've never once had any problems, and have actually had my account upgraded a few times for free.
Thier servers get on average of 400-450KB/s speed if thats of any issue to you, or any other viewers fo this post.
They also have excellent service/support, you send them a message (Very similar to a private message on a forum) and they reply within the hour.
I know this may look like a lot of space that you may not need, but I currently have 680 of the 1000MB of space being used, only 200~ of it is NOT photographs from my digital camera, images build up over time. If you are anything like me, I keep all my photo's.
Also for a small idea if you want to keep somthing like a photo website, take a look at the coppermine image gallery (click on my www icon under this post, and click the big image on the website it takes you to, to get a idea of what I mean.) - 9.95$ a month, down to 7.95$ a month if you buy a years worth.