Here's an interesting article on the Vietnam vets' role in the upcoming election:
It points out that the vets are a diverse group with race, age, and rank all playing a large role in how they vote.
But the quote that really stuck out to me was:
Edward Hutchison, 59, a disabled Army retiree, said veterans are getting more notice from politicians and the public this year but are tired of fighting Congress and the White House for adequate health care money.
"Traditionally, military people have voted Republican quite a bit," said Hutchison of Green Valley, Ariz. "I’ve been a Republican for most of my voting life. I’m a Republican now, but that might not hold true much longer."
I know alot of vets like Hutchinson who are generally conservative and have voted Republican on the perception that they are stronger on defense.
But now we have a Republican president who has sent our military to fight an unnecesary war under false pretenses while simultaneously refusing to fund veterans' health care programs.
If the Democrats can reach more people like Edward Hutchison, they could get a big boost in this election and the years to come.