I have followed much of SecretMethod70's writings, threads, musings, etc., and as a Catholic, I must say I agree whole-heartedly with most everything he has had to say. I say most because i can't possibly have read it all.
1. What makes you- or anyone- think that you have the ability to judge for yourself whether someone is going to heaven or not? Therefore, asserting that someone MUST do x, y, and z, in order to get in to heaven, is foolish. We are human, we make mistakes, and we cannot know all.
2. It's appalling that in all this talk, it seems that everyone forgets the principle teachings of Jesus, and God through others- God loves everyone. Not SOME people, not "those who love jesus", not "only those who believe in Him", but EVERYONE. How can you say that a truly good person of any religion, belief system, or otherwise will go to hell, just because they believed in a different God? That's ludicrous.
I love God. Jesus is my savior. I pray to God on my own terms, whenever I want to- and I don't have to be in a church to do it. He hears me everywhere.