I certainly hope this is not considered a flame.
The internet has become one of the largest and most invaluable tools of the various racist groups around the world.
The ability to communicate to mass numbers with minimal effort - via websites - has assisted these groups in ways that were unthinkable in years past.
One of the most widely used methods for these groups is to infiltrate newsgroups and other internet forums to recruit new members. The members of these groups post their drivel on these sites knowing that they will be denounced by the large majority of the members of these sites. They also know, however, that among the large number of people shouting them down will be a small number of possible recruits. Every seed of doubt they can sow is a victory for them.
Holocaust denial is one of their most successful campaigns.
It goes something like this: Oh, yeah, I'm sure some people were killed, but 6,000,000? Come on.... It couldn't possibly have been that many... or... There is no evidence that a "Final Solution" existed. Sound familiar?
But don't just take my word for it; read about it yourself
here and
here. These are just two links from the Anti-Defamation League. There are countless other sites out there, if you do a little searching.
It is widely known that the stereotype of your typical white supremicist is that of a toothless trailerpark denizen with little more than a basic knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. To combat this image, many groups have enlisted the help of educated bigots to help promote a more "civilized" image and project a more "intelligent" facade.
With all due respect and acknowledgement that neither do I know what transpired with the moderators prior to the posting of this thread nor the person who posted it, it is my belief that we have been the victims of one of these group's campaigns - disguised as "intelligent" debate. This is the exact intent of the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust, a group that engages in interent holocaust denial.