Forgive them, so you can move on in life. Dwelling on something so small (at least, that's how I see it) is physically and mentally stressing, unnecessarily so.
I dont see a friend stabbing you in the back as small...
You DO NOT fuck around with a buddy's girlfriend. Period, no exceptions. If she throws herself at you, you throw her off.
Screw the both of them. Friends do not do shit like that ever.
Personally, the second one of my friends did that, they stopped being my friend. I might be able to forgive them eventually, but not before a whole lot of apoligizing and even then I couldnt trust him completely.
Saying you forgive him only teaches him that he can get away with that kind of shit with you. Tell him why your pissed off and then tell him off.
This may seem a little harsh, but I firmly believe that if you cant rely on your friends, who can you rely on?