Originally posted by reconmike
Does anyone have any information on how Kerry came to be in Vietnam?
I personally know 3 sailors who where there, all joined the Navy to avoid combat in Vietnam.
Well 2 were assigned fast boat duty as was Kerry and one was a corpsman. So my point is they're plan to avoid "action" only put them smack into it.
I know also there will not be very many Kerry votes coming out of my VFW post. What does that tell you?
And who do you think the VFW, American Legion, or other assorted Vet related organizations are going to support?
He was a PA officer for a year on a destroyer (yawn) before he volunteered for fast boat duty. And he was initially assigned to the "easy" AOR, and once again he volunteered (repeatedly) for the more dangerous area of responsibility.
As for who the Vet organizations are going to back, I guess we'll see, won't we?