Originally posted by irateplatypus
One year of war?
Why didn't anyone tell me?!?!
The last war I heard of was when the US rolled through Iraq with a coalition of forces in a couple weeks last year. You know, the one where we are spending our own tax dollars to get another country back online and prospering. Gosh, I should watch more CNN or something.
Yep, i remember something about a dramatic landing on a us aircraft carrier with a banner reading "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"
Immediately following this press event bush pulled out all the troops, since, you know, the mission was accomplished. War's over. Iraq then became the bestest democracy since america
Mission accomplished indeed. Hopefully iraq won't immediately elect an islamic state with their newfound democracy. But then, it was clear from the outset that the bush admin had figured out the variables and had a solid exit strategy from the get-go. So i'm sure they've got something up their sleeve to prevent iraq from becoming iran 2.