Originally posted by Qazwsxedc
sorry for my ignorance, but what's a cold sore??
Basically a cold sore is the Herpes Virus, only on your lip. It lies dormant in certain nerve cells around your lip. Something triggers the virus (sunburned lips, weakened immune system, stress) and it travels down the nerve to the nerve ending.
When it exits the skin, usually around the lips, it causes a sore that looks really gross and iches and hurts. If you see somebody that looks like they have scabs around their lips, that's probably what it is. The sores usually go away in 8 to 12 days, but during that time it's very contagious. By touching it you can pass it to your eyes, or your nads, or even other people.
It makes you feel disgusting and repulsive, and you don't want anyone to look at you.
Anyway thanks to everyone for the great advice. Some of it was a little to late to help because I didn't catch it soon enough, but with the Abreva it definitely seems to be healing faster.
To bad today is my wifes' birthday and I can't even kiss her.
Even so, I look much better today than I would have without your help. Once again the TFP community has proven to me why it's such a cool place to hang.
You guys rock.