As an orthodontist, do you work towards "perfect teeth" or is it ok to just have symmetrical teeth?
I didn't (still don't) really care about how my teeth look, but, I have one front tooth for both the botton and top set of teeth. I have no idea how I came to be missing those two teeth (actually I have a story about the top one) but that's fine with me. Tooth number 7 (lateral incisor, I hope I got that right) is missing and one of the ones 23-26 are missing. I don't know which one 'cause they all look and feel the same to me but my canines are in the right place and I didn't really need braces for the bottom teeth. Tooth number 9 is shifted so it's in the middle and number 8 and 10 are matched up, even though 8 is slightly bigger than 10.
I only had braces for 1 1/2 years, by the way. Any comments?