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Old 03-12-2004, 08:37 PM   #813 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
Originally posted by meanSpleen
I DEMAND that any regular poster in this thread (regular = more than 1 post a week) posts their predictions, no matter how bad or off they might be.
You command.... I obey....

Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero
I think Eddy'll take it, but it won't be a clean win. Eddy needs to hold the belt longer to establish himself as a main-eventer, this feud never got enough time to fully develop. It should carry on for awhile longer.

HHH vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit
Michaels pins Benoit, Setting up Michaels vs. Benoit at Backlash (In Benoit's hometown, Edmonton). This whole triple threat business was set up so that HHH wouldn't have to lose the belt to and look weak in the process. Although it wouldn't surprise me if HHH held the belt until him and Steph have a son.

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar
I'm hoping they don't go for a bizarro non-finish for this match. I pick Lesnar. On the following Smackdown, Lesnar makes a speech saying that the rest of the roster wasn't behind him, yet he still won, that he's better than the WWE, and that he's through. (Provided that this NFL thing is real).

Rock n' Sock Connection vs. Evolution
I'm guessing Evolution. The Orton/Foley feud will carry on to Backlash where Orton'll get a clean win (unless he's not IC champ then). I'm not expecting much out of this match, Flair's hurt, The Rock'll be gone again right after the match, and Batista sucks.

Big Show vs. John Cena
Cena should win this. I don't think Show has defended his title since winning it in October(?). I remember Cena/Show in a non-title match from Iraq at Christmas, Cena won, and since then I've been waiting for the much more entertaining Cena to win the belt.

Undertaker vs. Kane
I forgot about this one, the unmasked monster Kane could barely handle Shane McMahon, and it seems rather pointless to bring Taker back with such fanfare, only to have him lose. Both sides'll get a chance to show off their crazy, evil powers, but Taker will tombstone Kane 'Straight to Hell'.

SmackDown Tag Team Clusterfuck
Benjamin & Haas is who I think should win, but I can see the APA taking it.

Raw Tag Team Clusterfuck (a.k.a. 'Why I don't care about the tag team division')
Have The Dudleyz turn heel and win the belts, that might interest me.

Cruiserweight Open
Chavo Sr. lies, cheats, and steals a win for Chavo Jr. over Rey, or possibly Ultimo Dragon, who could then get some much-needed TV time.

Chris Jericho vs. Christian
I'd like to see a Trish heel turn, winning the match for Christian.

Victoria vs. Molly Holly
I really hope it's a pubic hair match...
Victoria wins, we won't see Molly again until some of her hair grows back, and in the meantime we see heel Trish vs. face Victoria.

Skank Match
Who cares?

Last edited by rockzilla; 03-13-2004 at 03:44 PM..
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