Well I do. He's a former SEAL who's done shit I can't even imagine, and he thinks this anti-kerry crap about his vietnam record is bullshit, as do I.
The republicans LOVE to snip at the democratic candidates when they haven't served in the military, but when the facts are reversed, suddenly it's mean-spirited, dirty, and unethical.
The two-facedness of the republican party is astonishing in this campaign. Not only are they being hypocritical about the vietnam issue, but they've found another issue to be hypocritical about too. When he didn't realize his mic was still on, Kerry made a comment about the crookedness of the people he's running against. Bush quickly came out and lambasted him for it, saying it was "un-presidential." How, then, does Bush explain the fact that he called NY Times reporter Adam Clyner a "major league asshole" (to which Cheney agreed heartilly) when HE didn't realize the mic was on? It's OK for Bush to do it, and he can still be presidential, but Kerry can't say what he said? I note with interest that Kerry's language did not dip to the crude levels of Bush's remark.
This is just another example of the typical republican attitude that whatever they want to do is great, but if the other side does the exact same thing, they're wrong for doing it.