Do you claim that it is impossible for someone who doesn't accept Jesus as there savior during their mortal life to make it into heaven?
Do you realize that claiming impossibilities is unbiblical?
It says in the bible many times that to God nothing is impossible. Therefore do not say you know that other people can't go to heaven if they don't accept Jesus during their mortal life. I still ask where in the bible does it say the age the people are accountable for their actions?
You speak as if you know exactly what Gods plans and intentions are. As if you know exactly who will be saved and who will not be saved. The only thing I am sure of is that I cannot know those things to which you seem to know.
I can be familiar with the teachings of the bible and have faith in their sayings. But does this mean that the bible is 100% correct in everything within it, does it mean I should take every verse of the bible litteraly? Have you read the original untranslated bible? Do you know hebrew and aramaic? Considering the original chapters of the bible do not exist I doubt this. Translations are increadibly vague many words have ambigious meanings and they can loose meaning in translation. Or even be translated just plane wrong.
Also there has been many many years where people have had opportunity to change the bible to fit their needs. Something like this could not happen today but yet it could have in the past. Parts of the bible maybe shouldn't even be in the bible.
In fact the letters written by paul were not written with the intention to be put in the bible but instead as letters to a church on how it should conduct itself. Some 50 years after Paul died they were added to the bible.
Oddly enough one of these letters contains one of the most contriversial bible versus. Paul mentions that a woman should be subordinate to her husband and is not allowed to conduct worship for it was her who was first decieved. But yet everything that Paul and Jesus taught us before this verse was equality of men and women. Yet somehow Paul does an about face and throws this out of nowhere. There have been many studies on this verse and many theologins believe this verse was not even written by Paul but instead was added after his death to help keep women oppressed.
The point is you cannot take everything in the bible litterally or as concrete fact because first through God all things are possible, if he wants something to happen it will happen. Second the bible can easily contain transcribing errors. Third the bible could have been changed intentionally by people in power (if you don't think this is possible look at man kinds track record, we were able to crucify our savior on a cross, do you think it is impossible for man to add a few words to a book?)
That is why I believe you shouldn't get caught up in the details of individual versus of the bible, instead look at the big picture of what Jesus taught us. Love everyone as yourself. For love is what Jesus stood for. This means don't judge other people because you disagree with them. Don't look at them and say your going to hell, because you are not God, you cannot know that. Instead love them for who they are. Feel free to ask them about Jesus but don't force it on them. Acceptance of Jesus is something that has to come on your own. Forcing your beliefs on others will never work. God gave mankind freewill for a reason.