Originally posted by Thagrastay
From what I have read of this thread so far, this is in large part an attempt to understand the Work of the Hebrew God through the mindset and vision of Eastern ideology and mysticism.
The two are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined. You are comparing Apples to Oranges.
If you want to understand the Reason for the Crucifixion, get hold of a Bible and read the Book of ROMANS, It is in the New Testament, just after the book of ACTS, Following the four Gospels of MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE and JOHN. This book, ROMANS, will explain a great deal about many Christian ideas and thoughts. When choosing a Bible to read, choose wisely.
Personally, I would suggest you stay away from the King James version as the flowery speech has a tendency to confuse.
All Bibles are the same, mind you, despite what you may have heard, it is just that the dialects differ. Choose one that is easiest to understand, and have at it!
By the way, Sai Baba has received quite a bit of hard luck from detractors in India. He has had books published about him there. He just was never foolish enough to venture westward as were many of his contemporaries. Still, Tal Brooke wrote a wonderfully scathing book about him called Avatar of Night, if you're at all interested.
I am sorry, but this must be said. After decades of dealing with my own spirituality, I have no need of your mindset. I have grown so very tired of wasting energy on closed minded discussion.
I would never attempt to discredit your god, or for that matter degrade you for your beliefs. Yet you feel the need to debase a Holy man to a great many people.There are enormous volumes of literature attempting to bebunk the christ as well,"if you're at all interested".
While I fully realize your arrogant disregard of other perspectives is unintentional, and likely an attempt to save someone, I just wish you could understand that we are all correct in our own beliefs and simply trying to exchange our own understanding of the topic.
I do not consider Sai Baba as "god" or its' son. But many people care much for his teachings, and I have met him and respect his avatar status. Just as I respect tha status of the christ. please try to respect the status of others, it really can't hurt you.