I just set up my new system with a SATA HDD. I might even have the same model as you, I just just can't remember it right now. I have a Gigabyte Pro2 mobo. When I set things up, the drive was recognized by the BIOS, but before I could install WinXP, I had to copy a few files from one of the CD's that came with the mobo to a floppy. When you go to install xp, right at the start there will be a message about SATA setup or something like that. You press F6, put the floppy in and then everything was fine.
My mobo is different than yours so who knows how it will be different, but the F6 thing should still work as long as you have a floppy with the correct files on it.
I'm sure you've already done this, but look through the mobo manually very well and make sure you catch any notes about setting hte system up with a SATA drive.
Last edited by kutulu; 03-12-2004 at 04:00 PM..