I always find it amusing/annoying when other people think it appropropriate to tell me how to seek God.
Gentlemen, I am not dogmatic in several ways. Nor am I so far off the beaten path that I believe I am a heretic.
That being said, you are welcome to your interpretations of exactly who Christ was, but they are just that: interpretations.
To me, Jesus was the real, living Son of God. And he came down to Earth for many reasons, while knowing the inevitability of His brutal death.
This in my mind is not incompatable from what many Eastern religions teach, nor from what the core of Christianity teaches, and I say that after studying both for some years.
I also think the statment,
From what I have read of this thread so far, this is in large part an attempt to understand the Work of the Hebrew God through the mindset and vision of Eastern ideology and mysticism.
is very telling, as if Jesus only came to Earth for the sake of some Hebrews 2000 years ago, or as if God is not a universal God.
I'm sorry, but I don't buy that, no one penny's worth.
Yes, Jesus was a first century Jew. Yes, the tradition that He taught in and from was Jewish and to understand Him you need to be keenly aware of that.
But to say that that is the ONLY mindset you can have to look at Jesus or that Jesus was a "Jewish stick-in-the-mud"?
uh uh. no way. sorry.
So Thagrastay, if you choose to believe a strictly dogmatic form of Christianity, more power to you!
I however, do not.