Messiah was not A type of Avatar, espousing a way to enlighten us to our own path to our own truths. This runs contrary to everything Jesus said and did.
Jesus was a Hebrew Jew! a Religious stick in the mud!
Messiah came saying "I am the way to heaven" He did not come saying "I can show you a way to heaven" or "I know a way to heaven" This is what made Messiah so unique. He did not come saying "You have work to do- you must first be purified and be made clean by ridding yourself of the ancient karma you carry" He came saying "You have sinned- you carry upon you sins that seperate you from God. There is nothing you can possibly do to make yourself clean enough to enter heaven! But I can take those sins from you. I will carry those sins for you. With my blood, I will wash away your sins so that you can come to the Father."
OK, let me put it a different way. Sexymama and Thagrastay decide we want to go to Spain and visit the King! So, we hop on a plane and go to Spain and go to the palace, and go up to the guards and say "Hi, it's Sexymama and Thagrastay and we're here to see the King!: the guard looks on his invitation list and doesn't see us and asks us if we have an uinvite and we say "No, we just want to see the King!" so, hth gurad looks at us and sees that we aren't celebrities or royalty or anyone of influence or importance and he says to us- "Go stand over by the fence and if the King comes out and sees you and invites you in, then you can come in."
So we go over by the fence and we wait, and watch and every time a car or limosine comes through the gate, we hope that it is the King and that He will spot us and let us in. But nothing happens.
After quite a while, a man shows up and he begins to hang aroud telling us about the King and how he knows all about the King and what the King likes and doesn't like and what the King wants and doesn't want. This man is dressed like us and looks like us and talks like us and many think, "Who is this guy and why does he think he is better than us and that he knows so much about the king and that he is so high and mighty?" And this guy keeps saying that only He can get us into the palace to see the king and many keep telling him to shut up because they can get themselves in just as soon as the king drives by, and this guy won't shut up and finally, he riles the crowd up so much that they grab him and beat him and then he tells this crowd that He is the Kings SON! and The Crowd says, "Well, if you are the King's SON, then surely HE will come down here and save you! where are your guards? where are your policemen?" And they drag him and kick him and beat him and theyhaul him up to the gate and they stick him up on it to die, laughing at him as he hangs there. And sexymama and Thagrastay watch in horror as this nice man has this happen to him and we don't know what to do for him!
While He is hanging there, He says to us that He came out to let us know that the King wanted us to come inside the palace, but only the ones who would befriend His SON who loved the people so much that He would die for all of them. And before He dies on the fence, the guy says "Please forgive them, Father, they didn't know what they were doing."
After the resurrection, of course, the Son is taken inside the Palace. And any that have befriended the Son are also citizens of the Palace as well, and the servants there attend to the friends of the Son. And the friends can come and go anywhere they like, except the Throne Room of the Father.
That they can only enter whenaccompanied by the Son. And before they enter that Throne room they must have been cleaned (baptised). Because the Father will recognize the friend because of the Son, But it will dishonor the Son if the Friend comes brefore the Father in the filthy rags they wore before they entered the palace. And so, to honor the Son, they are Baptised, and have the sins washed away, so that when they go before the Father, trhey are clean and washed pure and they have honored the Son whose sacrifice allowed them in.
The crucifixion was wholly and act of love. THE act of love for all time. There is no greater gift than that. God laid down His life so that we could be washed clean in His own blood, the Took up his life again so that we could join Himin Heaven and never fear death again.
What more is there?
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"