Originally posted by 3leggedfrog
Yes and no. This experiment is designed for the United States college culture only. I could design an experiment for that culture or even make a design for the world but it would be a huge experiment and cost a lot of money that, as a broke college student, I don’t have. I could apply for a grant, but as an undergrad the chances are slim of anyone giving me money. Maybe fall semester when I am doing this as a masters student someone will be dumb enough to give me money. nahhhh.
psy as a psuedo-science lol. depends on what theory you use. old Freud (what you see in movies, with the cards and tell me about your mother) then yep i agree psuedo-science but any of the new western theories hell no thats pure science. new being in the last 100 years.
Sorry, beg to differ, otherwise I would be a psychologist. I was in college in the late 80's and demured from continuing that as a major because of it's lack of scientific method replication. You can take scientific experiments and in the exact same conditions repeat the experiment and get the same results. There's no culture component in scientific method.
So you say it's US cultural based. Fine, take the same test to the street, and the same questioinaire in NYC may not net the same results in Miami, or in Lynchburg TN (a dry county)