It was the Catholic CVhurch, not the Christian Church that held sway during the Dark Ages- please note the difference. Midieval times, whatever you may want to call them. Things truly began to come about with the advent of the printing press and the availability of the Bible to the common man and the breaking of the religious stranglehold the Pontiffs and their lapdogs held over the Europeans. Consequently, they had to branch out to Africa and South America to yoke the illiterate there in order to continue their dynasty.
Nowadays, we really are left with nothing much in the way of personal satisfaction when it comes to our own achievements. And this is sad. Many people mock the Amish, but they do lead a rather exemplary life in that cloistered, austere way.
There is much to be said for true adventure, as well as the finer and more available things in life, but then the question really becomes, I suppose, what is the thermometer for the real quality of living?
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"