Thread: Cold Sores
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Old 03-11-2004, 03:31 PM   #5 (permalink)
An embarrassment to myself and those around me...
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Zovirax is prescription only in the US, so Abbreva is your only over the counter option if you're there. But as cliche said you've got to start with it at the first sign, when you first get that tingle.

It's permanaent, if you've had a cold sore once then you've got the virus, it lives in your nerves until it's got a chance to pop up agian.

If they are really bad, go to your doctor and try to get a prescription for either zovirax, of he could give you Valtrex or something similar.

Oh, and here's a tidbit a lot of people don't know. Avoid oral sex when you've got a cold sore, generally a different type of Herpes virus, but they both are herpes viruses and you can give someone genital herpes if you've got a cold sore.
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