I don't understand. You claim to love the man Jesus as an example to us all and attempt to live your life by His standards.
Many claim to want to do that as well.
But you seem to disparage the part about a book written by an endless string of flawed humans- I can only assume you mean the Bible which is where you heard about Jesus to begin with,
and then the ... for someone else to tell mne I am going to a hell they created in their own mind is insulting and degrading. Yet it is a continuous part of many "christian" faiths.
In the words of C.S.Lewis- Jesus was only one of 3 things a Lunatic- along the order of someone who claimed to be a poached egg- a Liar, which would put Him along the same category as the Devil of hell or worse, or He was who He said He was. But He certainly couldn't be a nice teacher of cheery lessons and that was all. Because He claimed to be God.
Jesus preached of Hell and Damnation. Jesus Preached about who would be aloowed into the Kingdom of God and what it would take to be allowed in. Jesus Preached about Sin and Salvation. Jesus preached about Love and Death and forgiveness and the hereafter and how no one was worthy to cvome to God unless they came through Him.
Of course this is insulting stuff. Of course it stings and burns. It is supposed to. Jesus didn't come to preach things that would appeal to us and tickle our ears. He came with a two by four to get our attention because our very souls are at stake and He wants us to know He means business. He is not concerned with whether or not he hurts our feelings as long as He brings us home with Him.
It's the Enemy that wants us concerned with how we feel.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"