I stick to mostly PC games. I seem to move from RTS to RPG to Action to Sports/Simulator moods all the time. My fave RTSs are RON, WB2, the Age of games, Starcraft, WC3/FT, Sacrifice, and Kohan. I also get into turn-based strat games like Age of Wonders Shadow Magic. My fave RPGs are Morrowind, the Gothic series, BG II, Neverwinter Nights, and quite a few others. Action games I go for the NOLF series, HALO (yes it's better on the XBox lol), Giants, the original Unreal Gold was pretty fun, and quite a few others. For sports/sims I like Madden, the FIA GT mod for F1, Porsche Unleashed, Freespace II, Tiger Woods, and more.
Damn it's hard making a complete list. I already see some of my faves missing from the above, but at least it gives a flavor of what games I get into.