Originally posted by silent_jay
Shall a knee is 100 times worse than this.
how can you say a knee is 100 times worse than this??
They say Moore will probably have a full recovery, that does not mean he will play hockey again. Do you know if he will have to have his vertabrae fused, if so he will most likely have to do it throughout his life. They are both bad injuries and should be punished alike, if someone throws and leg out and takes someone's knee out, then punish them harsh. Clean the game up of the dirty crap and the league might get the fans they are after. I think hockey the way it should be played is the best of all the sports, but I hate the cheap shit!!
As for the punishment, it is in line of what I expected, but not what I hoped for. I just hope everyone will learn from it but I doubt they will. I don't know if you saw the highlights of the Lightning/Hurricane game from last night but some guy from the Hurricanes took a 2 hand swing at a Lightning player's head.
It is a screwed up league right now that needs to be cleaned up, but still my favorite sport as a fan....