As for the death of the christ, it was entirely expected, as most avatars will suffer the persecution of the masses, due to a complete lack of understanding of the devine path. And a fear of the unexplained.
Although I know you mean this tongue in cheek, I think you are right on. People still don't understand the devine path; if they did there would be much less judgement and violance and a lot more love and compassion. I also believe there is nothing to fear in death -- Christian, or any other belief. Heaven is and death is what we make of it.
I wouldn't say I have a firm belief one way or another yet...still sorting it out and learning...but it seems to me likely that, considering Jesus' message as one of God's unconditional love and life free from fear, his life and death and, ultimately, resurrection, were profound examples of how God is behind us, if we allow Him (Her, It) to be, through even the most extreme evil: death. It seems to be a life of example, coming to the ultimate representative conclusion. He taught, and showed, how to live a life of trust in God and, in the face of death, and on top of that, the most horrible, vile, and evil form of death of the time, he continued to trust God and not let fear control his actions, and His resurrection shows that God IS behind us even in the most evil of times and if God is supporting us even in death - the ultimate evil - there is no reason to allow fear to get the best of us in the face of even lesser evils.
Exactly what I mean -- very well said. Thank you!
Jesus knew his Truth and listened to his Soul (i.e. the voice of God) and followed that.
We do all have the "voice of God" (it is called a conscious) in us. Some of us are just better at listening to it then others. Wouldn't this earth be a much better place if we all truly (emphasize truly) listened to that inner voice?
if so, do you come to that conclusion through interpretation of biblical scripture, or through other sources and/or personal speculation?
Although I don't have the Bible in front of me, what I can say is that I know Jesus says that we are all sons and daughters of God. He also tells us to "ask and you shall receive." I believe that means ask for wisdom/answers/guidance/strength etc. (not physical things) and it will be given.
Of course, ultimately we all develop our own truth and that truth, when truly grasped and lived by, will set us free.