Originally posted by Regziever
They see a dead dictator named Haile Selase (not sure about the spelling) as some kind of Jesus..
Haile Selassie
Emperor of Ethopia.
from wikipedia
Rastafarianism is a religious movement which emerged in Jamaica in the early 1930s out of Biblical prophecy, black social and political aspirations and the teachings of the Jamaican-born black publicist and organiser Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Though the Garvey's political and cultural vision inspired the movement's founders, who regarded him as a prophet, he never identified himself with the movement. There were about 1,000,000 Rastafarians world-wide in 2000. An estimated sixty percent of Jamaicans identify themselves as Rastafarians. Rastafarianism began among working-class black people in Jamaica, and remained for some while an advocate of black supremacy. Nowadays however, it has spread throughout much of the world through immigration. Middle-class people, white people, Asians, and Arabs comprise minorities within the religion.
There's more about Selassie later on in the article
Man Alone
Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure.
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary.