If you see the video, Moore was already knocked unconscious right after the hit, before he hit the ice, therefore he was not able to brace himself. Also when your own teammates jump on and others jump on top of you, it will not help.
Police? Are they fucking crazy? Will they start bitching about all the hockey fights? How about in baseball when a pitcher intentially throws a ball at a batter? That can be considered assault. Please, the police? You have to be out of your mind. The Avalanche fans are just mad because of the punch so they wanna have the MAXIMUM possible sentence on him. That is a load of crap. I will be honest, I am a Blues fan, I hate Bertuzzi and I hate the Avanlanche. But that was a sucker punch, and the ensuing injuries were accidental.
My opinion: 5 game suspension for attempt to injure.
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.