The film release of “The Passion” directed by Mel Gibson seems to have inspired audiences across the world. Unfortunately the viewers are following this trend like lambs to the slaughter. The only publicity this movie needed was encouraging anti-Semitic perceptions. The movie doesn’t seem too anti-Semitic except for that Jesus is a white guy. Why doesn’t he look more Jewish? Gibson tried to make a more accurate portrayal of The Passion by casting Italians as co-stars but they’re still technically too light. Jesus wasn’t white no matter what you see on the screen.
For the ignorant who blame Jews for Jesus’ death, Roman soldiers beat him and put him on that cross and Pontius Pilate wasn't that sympathetic in The Bible. If Jesus had been born in another part of the world those folks would be getting blame for crucifying him too. Jesus knew he was going to die, it was part of the plan, otherwise we wouldn’t have that whole forgiveness for our sins part. So no blame should be placed. Remember it was our sins that put him on that cross.
Why do so many people want to see this movie anyway? They can’t read the Bible or go to Church? People are so dependent on the media, that they will believe everything in this movie and forget that it is only Mel Gibson’s perspective on the matter. Try to educate yourself first. It seems like no one knew Jesus died in such a bloody way until the movie was released, even if this event has been a staple of the Christian faith for awhile now. Gibson was smart to make a movie of The Passion instead of one that focused on Jesus’ teachings. Who would pay to see that? That would be way too boring for people to watch. People only want to watch when someone is getting flogged and crucified. Kind of like that crowd following Jesus as he carried his cross to the hill.
Also why all these churches buying huge amounts of tickets to give to their congregation? That money could have been better spent on charity than Hollywood. I guess no one is bothered by the fact that Gibson is out to make a dollar off of Christ’s suffering as entertainment for the masses, that’s what movies are entertainment not a substitute for religious beliefs.
As for you people that went to see the movie, why didn’t you just go to church instead for two hours or volunteer for a good cause? You already know how the movie ends. If you have to see Christ brutally murdered in order for you to become sympathetic and religious again, I think you have bigger issues. If everyday life doesn't remind of the horrible atrocities people are able of committing against each other and the suffering that goes on daily, maybe you need to quit being so self involved. Just remember that when you’re caught up in your religious frenzy while seeing this movie, mob mentality killed Christ in the first place.
Last edited by cynicalgrrlll; 03-15-2004 at 10:49 AM..