Babies don't go to hell. The age of accountability is 12 for males, 13 for females as it was with the Hebrews for Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. That's why we also have confirmation classes at those ages. Jesus repeatedly placed children on His knee and said that The Kingdom was reserved and made for such as these. The idea of sending babies to Hell and infant Baptism was a Catholic idea perverted from the Hebrew tradition of dedicating a child to be raised in the ways of the Temple and Laws and ways of God. Then the Bar/Bat Mitzvah which came later when the child declared in their own voice that they chose to follow the Law and God of their own desire.
By the time we all reach the age of accountability, we have sinned. Once we have sinned, we are condemned. It makes no difference whether we come from a christian, muslim, taoist, pagan, atheist or hindu home. The Lord tells us that All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. and that the wages of sin is death. We are all condemned.
God has planted within us all a conscious, wherein all of us naturally know the difference between right and wrong. That is why no matter where we go, rules are universal when it comes to stealing and killing and adultery and such. Without So much as a burning bush, we all recognize these things as being wrong and have established laws for them.
For those people who have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, God will jusge them according to their consciences and what they knew to be right and wrong and how they conducted their lives.
Ghandi Knew of Jesus and rejected Him outright. For all his great intentions, Ghandi was not a perfect man and died in his sins, rejecting the One man who could have saved him.
Jesus prayed for His enemies because that is what He told us to do. He came here to show us how to live and how to do what we are supposed to do. Jesus is the Son of God. God is Love. Jesus is nothing less. Jeswus loved us so much He allowed us to do that to Him.
Please understand, it was not the nails that held Him upon that cross. At any moment He could have come down from there had He wanted. He stayed up there of His own will and through sheer Love of us. You and I. When He was asking God to forgive them for they know not what they do, He was asking God to forgive you and I as well.
God tells us that our best and greatest accomplishments are like filthy rags in His eyes.
There is nothing we can do that can compare to what Has already been accomplished on the cross. We cannot earn our way into heaven. It has already been done. Gos paid for our way into Heaven with His own blood. He will accept nothing less or different. We cannot barter our way in, or beg our way in or buy our way in. The way in has already been provided. All we must do is humble ourselves before the King and accept that He has accomplished for us what we could not do oueselves, and ask Him to let us in, in Jesus Name, and He will.
This is too hard for some, because it means swallowing their pride. And it is more important to have their pride than to enter heaven in humility. But God Himself was willing to be humbled to Get us into Heaven.
Still, Hell will be filled with the arrogant.
You will find no humble among their numbers there.
There are no good lives.
All have sinned and fallen short.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"