I had braces before to correct overbite and i've had them off for about a year now. The problem is that while my teeth are straight, i have too many teeth esp. since my four wisdom teeth grew in so i still have a slight overbite and this like pushes my cheeks out and makes them kinda rounded and poofy looking. So my new orthodontist recommended i get my four (bicuspids?) from the bottom and top out and then get braces again to close the gap and that'll correct the problem. However, my old orthodontist (i moved midway through having braces) thought i was going to get my wisdom teeth removed after i got my braces off so that it'd fix the problem.
So i guess my question to you is this, would removing my wisdom teeth fix the problem or would i have to get 4 teeth removed and get braces again? I think another possibility was removing my wisdom teeth and putting braces on again anyway but im not sure how that works.
Thanks for all your help!