Originally posted by Dark_Prophecy
Fox is a great defender but I don't know if he's the best on the team, you still have Kobe and Fisher. And whether you hate the Lakers or love them, they're still the team to beat for now.
Feel free to put me down as ambivalent.. i was a laker fan in the day, because I was an Alcindor fan in the day..
I never really liked Magic, except he was so fun to watch, which is doing his job.. didn't like the celts but Bird Like magic hard to resist, and Parrish and Mchale.. good guys, great players/// plus McHale and Bird with Walton on the sidelines a the Dead...
... i ramble on...
dislike Shaq!FNORD my kid loves him.. i love my kid.. it's a friendly rivalry.
Love Kobe! .. growing classier, which is important to me ( and i like sprite and nutella, already... hahaha.. i loved that can in the Champs locker rooom... label rturned around, but everyone knows.. sip sip sip.. classy smirk, doing his job, earning his money.. the kind of employee --or manager-- that i want).. dude can shoot, can drive, can pass.. best one on one player in the west.. and among the top three defenders...
Kobe is def a better defender than Fox, but Fox is a great defender and, perhaps not underrated, not overrated either... Fisher can't compare as a defender. In these two games though without Fox, Fisher has been important beating the Wolves because he's been hot from the arc.. without that pressure I don't htink it would have gone that way. Horry knows what he has to do too, and i do like that man.
When it comes to the Kings, as K-Jet said it, "Fox is the Peja stopper." We'll see. Don't we all expect the Kings to choke, again?
Garnett: damd dignified and predatory.. seeing that guy play makes me want him to win, and if it were beating the lakers that would be sweet... and here's a guy that i dont' want to see on that list of greats with no ring.
and T-Hud! yes my man, the underdog, overlooked and steppin' it up... if they could win on that stuff i'd be psyched... and the way that full court defense worked in the early games was inspiring...
..but this is the best round to take out the Lakers. The shoulder would have to get a lot worse for it to take away enough of Kobe's game to stop him from that fourpeat ring.. it's about all he can get on Michael this quick.
The Twin Towers? Can they? It's a ways off init, let's see.
but who will we send from the East.. who can even make a game of it.. NOT NJ! please... love the Cs right now, (poor Ron, what's the deal with that guy???) but fear Blount and Battie both foul out agisnt the ShaqdiddyFNORD.. so I gues it's poor old Derek Coleman (who is playing great on those tired legs) and the best one on one player in the east... If only that skinny white Van kid could hold onto the ball and shoot 50 %...

If Timmy and the Spurs can come through, then send NJ.. that'll be a series (but then i'd prefer the Celts, who could beat the Mavs in a seven game series.. the East only hopeful scenario however farfetched).