Originally posted by mml
Considering this statement do you think that having a President and Congress controlled by the same party is generally a good thing or not? I tend to think that it lessens debate which is often where the truly good ideas come from. (I like a little gridlock with my government) I know this is off subject, but I am curious.
It depends on the make up of the Congress and the tendencies of the sitting President. I tend to like a little "gridlock", as you put it, too.
There's alot of room for debate but we ultimately need a leader who is going to push the country in one direction or the other. They then need to convince the American people and Congress that it's the right direction.
Congress is pretty much always going to be a moderating influence simply based on the number of representatives and the vastly different concerns that some of them represent. Throw in the number of career politicians who are only looking to get re elected and that moderating influence gets even higher.
Since Presidents can only sit for two terms it makes them push harder in one direction or the other. I
almost believe that Presidents should get one 8 year term so they could institute more change without fear of losing their job in the next election.