Honestly, I have to question your intentions for this post. Not only are you posting material that is very conrtravercial, but you are not posing any type of question, or call of the opinions of others. You are merely stating that no matter how many people died at the hands of the Nazi party, it wasn't THAT bad. ( The capture/torture/death of a human being for one's personal satisfaction is wrong on any level; this is true even for a single, needless death. One death is bad, millions of deaths, an unfathomable travesty.) Your viewpoints on Israel are baseless and opinion based. I really have to ask how Israel's status as a nation effects you?
First off, my post was originally in response to another thread. Hence why this is a Spin off thread. However, I am not saying that what the Nazi's did was right, what I am saying is that the number of victims of the holocaust was vastly overexagerated, and was used to get sympathy for Israel, and to this day, the Jews are trying to increase the number to as high as 9 million, to gain more sympathy
Why this bothers me is that the United States, and many other countries, send billions(35 billion from the US alone) to Israel every year, not to mention arming them to the teeth with the latest and greatest of military tech. This money could be much better spent on domestic issues.
Perhaps if i show some of the things that Israel is doing, like the construction of their new "fence", in territory they have no claim to, shooting people w/ m-16's when they are having rocks thrown at them, running those same people over in tanks, bullying the entire middle east, and constantly threatening the stability of the region. Just one example of how the US turns a blind eye to whatever Israel does: