Here's your situation:
You signed a legal document stating that you understood and agreed to the rule that there would be no children living in your apartment.
The person that you sublet to will sign an agreement that binds them to the terms of your lease.
Unless you were under duress, I don't think you can make the courts agree that the lease is illegal. You signed that you understood their rules and were going to abide by them. That's the long and short of it. I've lived in apartments that didn't allow the tenants to have live Christmas trees because of the mess it would leave in the halls. Doesn't matter whether I think it's silly or not; I signed that that's the way it was going to be.
The owners of the building/complex don't want the noise and the potential property damage that go along with children. It's also my opinion that children shouldn't be forced to live in a box without a front yard, etc. Kids need room to run around and a place that they can be noisy and get their excess energy out. "In the apartment above me" isn't where I'd want that to happen.