Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
But the fact is there are Terrorists out there. Fact is that their actions (remember the terrorists, that do exist) have shaped our policy. Fact is they are still a threat, unlike the Jews who never were, and hey historically the commie's were threats, I don't know so much domestically. Fact is they are still plotting against us and our interests actively. I'm not scared under Dubya, he has shown me that he can be/is proactive in protecting me and my interests, big difference then McCarthy or Adolf.
The business of labeling who is a terrorist and who is defending themselves against terrorists has been run by people who use the lables to an advantage.
It is absurd to call an occupation legal (the US is guilty of this as well) and people striking back terrorism. Its like barbarians with educations and huge lexicons telling the story to gain advantage.