Healthcare in this country needs fixing. Way too many people can't afford health insurance and end up filling for bankruptcy when someone in the family is faced with medical bills they can't afford. Sure, if your condition is serious you can get care from a hospital emergency room, but the cost is prohibitive for those without insurance and when the patient can't pay, taxpayers foot the bill. Some kind of Universal Healthcare Insurance plan may be the only way to go. After all, the principle upon which insurance works is to spread risk among as many as you can in order to reduce the risk to any single premium payer. If the risk is spread among everyone, well...
Additionally, Universal Healthcare ought to provide savings to businesses in reduced costs to provide health insurance; reduce overall healthcare expenditures by allowing people to receive preventive care before their health problems become serious (and , thus, more costly); making premiums more uniform and, thus, more efficiently computed and collected, reducing administration costs; eliminating the need for PPOs and HMOs which should reduce litigation against them for denying coverage and which should eliminate the ridiculous pay being given to the CEOs of these companies; and, verdicts in tort cases (personal injury suits) would fall dramatically since medical costs are the single most expensive damages in those cases driving verdicts.
But it makes too much sense, so it won't happen.