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Old 03-09-2004, 11:43 AM   #22 (permalink)
Stare At The Sun
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Location: Somewhere over the rainbow
Okay so Hitler was not responsible for the death of 6 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and blacks. How many then was he responsible for? 5 million? 1 million? Half a million? How can you put a number on genocide and then call it a political reason?
I'm saying that the United States the UN and the Jews blew them way out of proportion to gain favor for Israel post WW2.

Now, as I said before, I am NOT denying that the holocaust happened, however, I do believe that the number did not reach 6 million killed for the following reasons.

First off. If a Jewish family lived in Germany pre WWII, moved, ran, or left germany/surrounding area's, and did not come back post WWII, they were counted in the Holocaust figures. Hundreds of thousands of these cases happened. The number in Poland alone reached 700,000.

You say that the Germans had kept meticulious plans for the gassing of the Jews. I want you to show me one of those documents that was made before the war ended. David Irving a very well known historian has been qouted as saying that he has never come across any document ordering the "Final Solution".

Also, please consider the size of the concentration camps, and the size of the "Gas chambers", many figures indicate that it would have taken up to 68 years to gas 6,000,000 Jews. Also, where are the bodies? You can say they were all burned, however, surely, atleast some gassed bodies would have survived. The bodies you see were the ones that died from starvation, and those did not number anywhere near 6,000,000.

Fred A. Leuchter is America's leading specialist on the design and fabrication of execution equipment, including homicidal gas chambers. In 1988, Leuchter scraped samples from the alleged gas chamber walls in Auschwitz, Birkenau and Lublin. Cyanide residue would be clearly evident on all these walls if gassings did occur. To his astonishment, Leuchter found no significant cyanide traces in any one of these rooms.

This test was also done by the Polish Government, and no traces were found.

Simply put, I do not believe that there is enough evidence to support 6 million people being killed.

I am not denying that yes, some were, and I am also not denying that it wasn't a tragedy. It was. However, I believe that the Holocaust was blown out of proportion by the Jews in order to gain worldwide sympathy, and reparations(as they do, in the hundreds of billions per year) for Israel.
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