I think that's why I"m fully against hate crime legislation. It's valuing one life above another, and to me, that is just wrong.
I mean, if you kill someone bc they are gay and you are INCREDIBLY brutal about it, you'll get a huge sentence bordering on life/execution depending on the state...
If you brutally kill someone bc they are a republican..you get the normal sentence..unless that republican is black or gay or whatever adn you happen to be hetero white male. (sorry, couldn't resist)
And if you kill the typical white male, you'll get the slap on the wrist and 7 yr sentence...
Doesn't make sense, but it makes you choose your targets wisely.
But the end result of it all is that a life is gone, you committed the crime, yet who you killed makes your sentence worse...
I do believe hate crimes exist, as in, someone kills someone else bc they are different in one way or another, but the end result is that a LIFE is gone. either make the non-hate crime punishment worse or lessen the hatecrime punishment.