Originally posted by Great Scott
Okay so Hitler was not responsible for the death of 6 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and blacks. How many then was he responsible for? 5 million? 1 million? Half a million? How can you put a number on genocide and then call it a political reason? If in the interest of the safety and sanctity of people the government of the United States decided to arrest and summarily execute you and your family for being nazi sympathizers is that okay? Surely it can't be that bad. There's only a few of you, and it was for a purely political reason, right?
I understand that you are trying to invoke political discussion here, but if you try and glaze over the death and suffering invoked by Hitler's regime, you show disrespect to the victims and their families. My objection rests there.
A person's opinion on the factuality (is that a word?) of the depictions of the holocaust should not be met with threats or analysis of the opinion bearer. If a view is that the holocaust was used to further political agendas and the number "6 million" is questioned...leave it @ that. If people question history that is their right and when I see opposition to this kind of questioning I see either a fear of history being changed which forces people to have to question their beliefs OR some people have something to hide.