Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
You shouldn't really base your decision entirely upon reviews, play the game yourself then decide whether you should pass on it or not. 8.5 and 9 are very respectable scores to attain, especially these days when so much crap floods the market. If I like this game enough I'll probably buy a Gamecube (you hear that Nintendo, the fate of your income rests on this game!)
he's not basing the game "entirely on a review." He's basing it on the comparison of his assumptions of the game and how they correlate to the reviews. He said he didn't want to play it if there was too much narration, bullet-time shit, and so on, and guess what, there was!
I don't really feel like spending $50 on a game that is not as good as the first one. And this one isn't a sequel, just a remake. I'll get it on greatest hits probably.
Now if it got 9.5, 10, 10 and stuff like that (similar to the first game), then I would buy it immediately. But by what the reviews say (and they are rarely dead wrong), the game is for people who never played the first one and want to immerse themselves into the MGS universe.