Ok...from looking at this, i could see them saying, "Ok...9-11 happened, people are going to be out of work, it's a natural downturn, etc.. and 2002's projections were out the window bc of that...
2003's looks like a case of "well, the worse is over, it's going to get better"...but i have no idea who thought it would increase like that after being on a steady decline...
2004's..just no..not happening..i can'te even begin to explain that one, to experience that type of growth would mean to move something like 1995's growth to present day. Heck, that is even sharper than the 99-2000 actual increase. I think the person who came up with that one needs to be kicked or fired...
MAYBE by 2005, the job growth will be at the july rate in 2004, but i'm not counting on it, judging just from that one graph.
I really hope i'm wrong, i need a decent job other than waiting tables and freelance stuff